Another Asher Lane Consultation!

Ruddington residents who’ve previously commented or objected to the outline planning application for 175 new houses down Asher Lane have received an unexpected extra letter from Rushcliffe Borough Council (RBC).

Even though permission has already been granted for this Green Belt development following a controversial intervention by the Government Planning Inspectorate last May – landowner Space Foods Limited is now pushing for the access to be allowed via Musters Road rather than the (approved) Asher Lane one.

You can read all the background to this latest appeal >>HERE<<.

Even though it was thought the consultation stage was over, it seems the Planning Inspector  would now welcome further public comments and views as to whether villagers think RBC was correct to refuse this alternative access – and thus potentially overrule the Council’s decision for a second time. The case number is APP/P3040/W/19/3221123.

Confusingly, the correspondence about this, just sent out to householders and dated March 4th {pictured}, has the deadline date for representations as 3 March 2019 – which should read 3 April 2019! {You can expand the letter to read it more clearly by clicking on the image.} RBC has apologised for this typo and says it will now be sending out a corrected letter soonest.

In addition to the contact address and email given on the correspondence, it is also now possible to make your representation online via the Planning Inspectorate’s new web portal >>HERE<<.

UPDATE 11th MAY 2019:
Whilst a verdict is still being waited upon from The Planning Inspectorate concerning the above appeal to allow access via Musters Road, an application from Mr Tom Collins has nevertheless been made to Rushcliffe Borough Council to seek approval for the means of access from the two original entry and exit points along Asher Lane, opposite the Country Park (as shown below). Letters just sent out to residents state this is a “reserved matters application for outline permission 16/03123/OUT to seek approval for the means of access”. Whilst this seems to be more of a procedural formality, you can view all the details and leave comments about the finer details of this latest application >>HERE<< through until June 1st 2019. It is likely that any objections simply against the 175 houses will be futile – since RBC’s planning refusal was overruled at national level just a year ago.

Meantime Ruddington as a whole remains in limbo – with still no verdict from The Planning Inspectorate about the other Green Belt sites in our village which were included in The Rushcliffe Local Plan Part 2. If all three of these are also rubber-stamped that would mean at least 350 further homes being built around Ruddington by 2028 – in addition to the 175 already approved on this land south of Musters Road.

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